Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Noise Reduction Earbuds

Welcome to the noise reduction earbuds website.

I'm on a mini-crusade here trying to persuade those of you who are currently using the earbuds that comes with your MP3 device to switch over to noise reduction earbuds.


The earbuds that comes with your MP3 devices are usually of low quality which means that you will need to crank up the volume in order to hear the music against the background noises that you are daily faced with (city sound, bus, trains, etc.)

You need to seriously take care of your ears. If you do not take precautions to protect your ears, you'll end up with serious ear problems down the road. To protect your ears, you need noise reduction earbuds.

I know. I was a former DJ back in the 70s/80s at a Disco Club. Every night I would be subjecting my ears to 110db+ noise. I wish I had noise reduction earbuds back then. The only headgear I had was those big ugly headphones. Later in life, I developed a ringing noise in my left ear (the ear I used to monitor my mixings). It is not a nice experience. Imagine living with this noise in your ears 7/24/365. It can drive you crazy.

So what do you need to do next? You need to protect your ears with noise reduction earbuds. You'll thank me later on.